Multimedia online resources related to the topic of MAVI
Latest research report published by public agencies
Report published by Nordic Council of Ministers in 2019 comparing the settlement policies and outcomes of labour market integration of refguees in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The report contains detailed statistics about the demographics and employment outcomes of refguees in the three nordic states. It approaches the analysis of cross national differences in three approaches: through differences in refugee populations, usage of programme measures, and settlement models.
Official websites of relevant Norwegian public agencies
This is the website by IMDi on the publicly avaible inofrmation on the Introduction programme, including the rules on participation, individual plans, training and education, organization and controls of the municipality's work, and more. It also contain a series of online test for those who want to check their knowledge about the progamme.
This is the section from the Rogland County Governor website on the latest news regarding the introduction programme in the county of Rogaland. It also lists out the contact persons responsible for the programme in the county.
This is the section on Statistics Norway (SSB) on the latest statistics concerning people with refugee backgrounds in Norway. It also lists out the previous analyses, articles and publications by SSB on the topic.
Short videos on the Introduction Programme by IMDi
"Veien til arbeid" (Way to work) is a short video asking different actors in the field of integration in Norway what they see as the important factors for refguees and other immigrants in finding employment. (Published in 2016, approx. 12 min)
"Framtidsscenarioer for introduksjonsprogram" (Future scenario for the introduction programme) is a short video of interviews with programme managers and participants about what their opinions the future development of the introduction programme in Norway. (Published in 2014, approx. 13 min)
Interviews, conferences, forums, and talks on research about labour market integration of refugees around the world
An interview with Ivan Martin, economist and professor at the Migration centre of the European University Institute in Florence. In the interview Ivan laid out the additional hurdles faced by refugees in the process of integrating into the labour markets in Europe. (Published by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies in 2017, approx. 24 min)
Keynote speech by Klaus F Zimmermann, economist and emeritus professor of economics at Bonn University. Klaus' speech centered on the debate about refugees in Europe as economic stimulation and a solution to the aging demography on the one hand, and the worries about the burdens to public expenditure on the other. He also discusses the challenges in policy response, the debate on mobility within the EU, and offers suggestions for EU wide measures regarding the econmic integration of refugees. (Published by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in 2017, approx. 24 min)
Skoll World Fourm 2018 on the topic of the Economic and Social Integration of refugees and migrants. Panel speakers include founders of NGOs and networks for refugees and representative from the corporate sector. They discuss at length about personal experience as refguees and immigratns, and what they see as the important factors, models and policies for successful integration. (Published by the Skoll Foundation in 2018, approx. 75 min)
Speech by Alexander Betts, professor of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies at Oxford University, on the misconceptions and facts around refugees and economic integration. With evidence and personal experiences from his project on refugees in Uganda, Alexander argues for more opportunies for refugees to embrace their potential and aspiration to thrive. (Published byTEDxTalks in 2015, approx. 16 min)
Speech by Nujeen Mustafa, teenage refugee from Syrian on her experience arriving at Europe. "You arrive at the realization that you are now the nightmare that haunts every decision-maker in Europe." Nujeen talks about the difficulties she faced in the process of settlement, and makes an emotional plea for a more compassionate reception on people like herself who are forced to seek shelter from another country. (Published byTEDxTalks in 2017, approx. 7 min)